[CONGRESSI] First EuCornea - Venice 2010 June 17-19
Cari amici,
Per informazioni, con il sostegno di SICSSO
(*), la prima conferenza EuCornea si terrà a Venezia 17-19 GIUGNO.
Il programma scientifico sembra molto interessante!
The countdown is well and truly under way to the very first EuCornea Congress, which is scheduled to take place in the beautiful Italian city of Venice from June 17 to 19.
On Thursday 17 June, the programme kicks off in vibrant fashion with a free paper session on vision and refraction, with the keynote paper on corneal wound healing being given by Francois Malecaze MD (CRNK Toulouse). This will be followed by sessions on a wide range of topics including a timely update on advances in corneal biomechanics and ocular surface reconstruction, femtosecond keratoplasty techniques, deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, stem cell research, eye banks and high-risk corneal transplants.
Further details and scientific programme on the first EuCornea Congress is available here:
S.I.C.S.S.O. Societa' Italiana Cellule Staminali e Superficie
Website: http://www.sicsso.org/IX Congresso SICSSO
(programme 2009):