FORUM Associazione A.M.C. - Leggi argomento - TALKING ABOUT MINI A.R.K. [ENG]


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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
Since I have been accused by some people, to speak "without verifying", of "to infest" European Forum, and, of "to frighten" some users that due to my word, are forced to go away from the FORUM, I feel to make clarity my position.
I want specify that the discussion that I have opened is tightly personal and not tied up to the opinion of the other site member, or association, or of WORK Group.
The discussion will be open only to Hari, a patient that promotes the technique of MiniARK, opening of a new site
Until now discussions on this matter are always ended on other roads, or have turned on useless fires. This time, I would want to try to avoid this end, and try to obtain something.

PLEASE: excuse me for the translation. please tell me If some point are not clare,

Dear Hari,
I believe that we have in common a thing: both we seek the truth on the MiniARK. However, there is a great difference: you assume your responsibility to promote a technique on a site. instead I don't want to assume any responsibility for the patients of my site . I want only them to know the two sides of medal.
Nevertheless i have some doubt about choice to open a new site that traces in everything and that of the Dr. Lombardi.
Opening of the site you define the mediacl class "arrogant". This affirmation, besides being an offense toward thousand of serious and professional physician that have worked a life to reach a position, puts on the same plan incompetent, and doctors that have built with their hands, that are devoted to their job with the soul and the heart.
How many doctors have you known for shooting these sentences on "medical class?"

The site web that you have opened constitutes a serious danger for the sick poor man that a beautiful day finds again in the world of the keratoconus. it's full of old info, others not shown, and some straight false.

But we proceed with order, and let's see on every matter point for point.

1) In homepage you say that "information are not understood to sell the technique."

How can be otherwise if the site is the same of whom sells the technique?

2) "... technique is falsely associated to the notion that the incisional surgery on keratoconus is harmful..."

How do you do to say that is "false?" Can you demonstrate the contrary ?
Here I have many email of famous doctors and teachers that sustain that the MiniARK is dangerous because the tissue is weak and above all because the results are unpredictable. (this means that it doesn't need only illude looking who is now happy but also who is not it).
I don't publish the many email because they are all equal and the opinion it is the same. Nevertheless of someone I have the authorization, and above all doesn't speak "for felt to say" or for "voice" but of real facts !

(Prof. Umberto Merlin): ".. I not perform since many years anymore the radial cheratotomies in the cheratocono because they cause a further weakening to an already weak cornea...".

(Prof. Severino Fruscella President Sitrac): "... it's a technique that don't have some scientific support. The aforesaid doctors practise a technique that not only lead to unpredictable results but, well more serious thing, can favor evolution of cheratocono because practiced cuts on cornea already weaken the structural plot of the cornea of for itself altered by the illness. Unfortunately I have visited different patients submitted to MiniARK that introduced, after having operation, a worsening of the clinical situation and a great difficulty to correct the defect of sight with the contact lenses...".

(Prof. Caesar Bisantis): "... respect miniRK (that I don't also practise , even if having been in the last years a supporter of this methodic for the correction of the myopia) not the practical also because it is really in the astigmatisms of that the reliability and predictable are reduced quite a lot and not only, but that after 5 - 6 years, since the processes of consolidation of cuts and level of the cornea, continue also after so long periods, you can obtain astigmatisms of opposite sign to that correct. I suppose that in irregular astigmatisms like keratoconus, problem must be emphasizes...".

3) The site is an exaltation of Dr. Lombardi Clinic(straight to also insert secretary curriculum...). You have forgotten that in their publication Dr.Lombardi writes"... on the base of the gotten results using the mini A.R.K., From Us invented." ???
This means that if you want to give a minimum of seriousness to that site you should remove every reference to Doctor that practises that technique. Or, for parity, should insert also the curriculum of the Dr. Abundance and his staff, as also in the LINK you add
Apart fable that have divided their roads, the 1997 publications are signed by both, both actively practise the miniark in Italy from when it has been invented and the patients of my site indiscriminately belong to both the studies.

4) It's normal that the doctors Abbondanza and Lombardi insert in their site the testimonies of ONLY happy patients.
Do you intend to do the same? Or will you also open a section for Patient Dissatisfied in which will insert some topographies that we will send you?

Which serious professional does it have need to publish the testimonies of his patients? Only who has need to exhibit qualities it makes promotion.

5) CHARTS are an authentic brainwashing, with the objective to attach other techniques emphasizing all their defects, and promote miniark .

"Duration of the transplantation 10-12 years according to SITRAC ( 5-6 according to Jörg Krumeich)"

I have asked this many experts:

(Prof. Umberto Merlin): "... 21 years on over 500 cases. In the lamellar, if infections don't intervene illimitate!..."

(Prof. Cesare Bisantis): ".. personally I still follow patient operated from me more than twenty years and I find them perfect..."

(Prof. Vito De Molfetta)":... 20-25 years, even if with the advent of the EYE Banks hope can extend for a longer time also the life of the transplanted cornea

(Prof. Severino Fruscella President Sitrac): ".. happened me to visit many patients operated of cheratoplastica piercing 20-25 years before, they perfectly have a good vision and a transparent cornea

(Prof. G. Tassinari)":... I Follow patient 40 year-old distance from transplantation they still have a satisfactory visual function

(Bank of the Eyes Melvin Jones)"... we See transplanted corneas in good state 30 years ago. With the actual criterions of quality adopted from all the Banks of the Eyes a 30-40 year-old least duration he esteems..."

and to end. the doctor you quoted has also answered me:

(Dr. Jörg H. Krumeich): "... between the 12 and the 15 years ..."

Besides I am waiting "Australian Corneal Graft Registry Report" from Joyce Moore (Department of Ophthalmology-Australia) that it picks up over 14.000 transplantations. I will hold you adjourned.

The Dr. Then Lombardi speaks of Recidive to the 30% of the patients (few weeks ago have declared straight 40-45% on this same site).
Let's see what it is also said speaking of this:

(Dr. Jörg H. Krumeich): "... In about 4000 penetrating transplantations in my experience The have seen recurrence of the cone in 2 caseses within the graft. I know it is possible but rare very..."

For the mathematics, we are speaking of 0.05% anything else other than 45% !!!

Where Do you take from these statistics?

(Prof. Cesare Bisantis) it is possible if the transplanted button is small in comparison to the extension of cheratoconus so it's a complicance of not correct choice and surgical execution

Dr. Lombardi has declared that the experiments with the riboflavina did them in 84 in Moscow with Fiodorov, and they showed that the cornea grows old.
How come he has purchased the C3R machine?
a motive to widen the bill?

7) Another important point, is the concept to have for MiniARK.
I'm perfectly according with you to think that MiniARK is an "option" to consider. However, publicize the MiniARK like "heaven" it is not correct, and I refer to sentences that can be found in site:
"..A great conquest to eliminate the Cheratocono without traumas and without risks."
"...In the 95% of the cases, "Asymmetrical Cheratotomia Radiale" (if correctly performed) it is decisive for Cheratocono..."
"...the surgical application of such technique has suffered such an evolution (nearly sees the extreme simplicity and the nonexistent risk of such surgical technique)..."
"...he succeeds so to stop the evolution of the illness with the maximum refractive result ..."
" 2 minutes and in local anesthesia, it returns a perfect sight to the patient, without having thinned cornea, without having grafted him a tissue of another person and without complications of some type..."

Without risks? decisive? maximum refractive result ? without complications? it is not advertising deceptive this?
We have asked explanations on a patient from him operated , that has shown topographical maps in which there is an evident worsening .
As always. SILENCE! NO ONE WORD!!!
And of the discontents Forum keralens users ? The percentages of "it happened they seem me rather distant from 95%.

Do we want to speak of terrorism toward the other techniques:
"...what the corneal lenses worsen the cheratocono it is by now a consolidated concept."
" is not only able to go out of the tunnel: "contact lenses- further corneal staving in - transplantation of cornea..."
"...It is not possible, in fact, to guarantee its taking root in the 100% of the cases and, in the unlucky case of a rejection vascolarizzazione another transplantation would be impossible and the eye would be therefore irremediably lost..."

Lost eye? according to impossible transplantation?
What is it? an horror film?

8 ) Do we want to speak about Lombardi curriculum ? We have more times (3 time here!) asked where has gotten the title "Prof".
Always getting the silence. Since we don't see any motive for not to answer this authorizes us to think badly.
In the Italian university environment he would not have called Teacher, because' it doesn't have the qualification to the free docenza (abolished however in the '68) and' never state entrusted of an university course. It is able' to call him "prof" his neighbor, that doesn't probably distinguish the trust of the title of a course from other activities' of university docenza as the exercises or the seminars in progress of which the responsibility' is for others.

Besides he use "prof." but it doesn't say of what (he can wrote "prof. of eye surgery", but he doesn't write it). from us it is considered few serious and the real prof hold him to distance.

The State Council said that they limitedly had right to title of prof to the period in which they had the contract of teaching, and reporting subject they were teachers, thing that the dott. Lombardi never says.
In Japan when a teacher retires loses the title of prof....

>> 1997 initialed Protocol of search and experimentation of personal projects among the Dr. Massimo Lombardi and the Cuban Society of Retinosi Pigmentosa.

When he quotes the contract he wrote "dott." and not as Prof.

>>> 1978-1980 Researcher university in the Oculistic Clinic of the university of Chieti.

I'm perplexed to the fact that says to have been "researcher" university from 1978 to the 80, since such figure was introduced only in August 1980 , and nobody was able to become it before November 1980 (law n° 382 of 1980)

The honors for "exceptional worths" they tell me few, because are not specified

Other perplexities I have her on the technique and on his execution.

10) "... he intervenes with a varying number from 3 to 12 incisions than no more than 2 mms of length." (Journal of Refractive Surgery (04-05/1997)
"...Such incisions can vary in the number from 1 up to 7 .." (same year!!! Experiences Year XII n.1, 1997 )
In your site you write".. from 1 to 10 .."

Are we speaking of science? or about Bingo?
Even more amusing then it is to know, that there are some patients that have a number of incisions great than declared officially .
How many cuts does Norbert have your friend?
and besides I have seen the photos with the incisions.
do they seem you long photo maximum 2 mms?

11) "... In the Asymmetrical Cheratotomia Radiale, used for correcting the Cheratocono, the microincisionis are performed only in the secto from 30° to 270°..."

there people that also have cuts in the superior part? what is difference with the normal radial cheratotomia for myopia?

12) "... In case of bilateral pathology we normally operate the eye under worse conditions for first, postponing to once following that best."

FALSE. We have the majority of cases in which have been operated both the eyes. Straight someone has been "forced" to operate both the eyes for "to avoid a de-stabilization"

13) ".. indications to mini A.R.K. are: .. KC type I and KC type II (only selected cases) " (max 60 diottries)

FALSE. We have patients that had MiniARK has also done more than 70 diottries and therefore well over the KC type II

14) "... with the final result of a progressive corneal increasing, up to that an average of 40 microns ...".

Is not demonstrated in any publication the increase thickness due to MiniARK.
Above all, if the incisions throw the cornea, from my studies (what they include science of constructions, theory of structures, statics of the constructions, elastic and inelastic deformation) I don't succeed in understanding in base to what physical reaction the thickness middly increases of 40 microns (and more..??!?).

15) it is not me clear, finally, in base to what reaction a central leucoma it would disappear after 2-3 years from the incisions.

Please, note that I don't have any competence to technically judge the MiniARK. We waiting the declarations of the University of Siena (or of anybody else center) before being able to express objective evaluations.

Some word finally on the PATOGEN AGENT (if you want to speak about this)
I have already made some declaration and I don't retire my words.
We could be to laugh for a week with all the tales that I know speaking of current underground water , amalgame, magnetic flows, insulating mattress.
Nevertheless, have laugh enough and I prefer instead of reaching something more serious.

16) when we have the great discovery public??
The Dr. Lombardi declares"... After 5 years of intense job of search and experimentation, in January of 2004 we have finally succeeded in defining the "biological factor" of cheratocono..."

It means that GEN '04 - 5 years = GEN '99
and he writes: "We have begun therefore to examine with particular equipments the patients affections from cheratocono and, to the confirmation of the tests (what you/he/she is revealed of 100% till now) of what we suspected, we have been able to begin supplemental income from the State causal therapy...".

We are almost to GEN 2006. From 7 years from the discovery, I don't see any motive to keep on hiding or to do the mysterious ones.

17) The Dr. Lombardi says that the PA can be infected.
Well, my girlfriend is ready to sacrifice in name of the truth.
Make me know how I can infect her my PA (over the things that we already do: -)) and we see if also she will have cheratocono.

18 ) The Dr. Lombardi declares to succeed in finding the agent patogeno with particularly machines and to kill it with low voltage.
This time I sacrifice my face.
I am ready to go to Rome with 2 bus and 100 people.
If Doctor will find those that are really affections from cheratocono (without use topographies), I am ready to publish in homepage a photo of me that kiss his feet and to publish all of my excuses.

“Live Together, Die Alone”

domenica 18 dicembre 2005, 16:27
Utente attivo
Utente attivo

Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Messaggio Raiders of the lost mini ark....
Dear Scaistar,
This is exactly the type of repetitive, angry discussion I was attempting to avoid by setting up the Mini Ark database in the first place. Those who know anything of Mini Arks past will know that all of these topics have already been argued to death on a number of different forums.

But if we must address them again here is my standpoint:

I guess you are referring to me when you make your opening statement… it would be easier if you just refer to me by name.
The events which you speak of concern the publication on the German forum of a letter you sent to one of its administrators (It is now clear that your words were never intended to be made public but they have become common knowledge none the less).
You spoke of finding a ‘hook’ in the German forum and then proceeded to denigrate Mini Ark and prof. Lombardi… of course this is entirely your right as the letter was never supposed to be seen. But you spoke of very definitive negative conclusions and as we have seen these have now found their way into our mainstream forums.
This event was closely followed by the publication of parody Mini Ark images on the French forum… I know that you have no responsibility for what is posted on foreign forums but your support for this move was overtly obvious. I wonder how quick you would find the humor if I posted the same sort of images on your forum but used contact lenses as a base for the joke?
You see it is not Mini Ark or Prof. Lombardi that are solely effected by this sort of action but more so his patients. We have worked long and hard to find a way out of the KC jungle and whether you support the concept or not we still deserve respect and support.
I do not, as you have suggested, accept responsibility for the patients on my site… I have gone to great lengths to try and offer only information… I do not presume to think for anyone.
My choice to open my site was done for purely personal reasons… I just thought it would be a positive move to collect all the information together in one place so as it could be debated over and then ultimately accepted or rejected. I have said this time and time again… but obviously not loud enough!!!
Again, I agree that at this moment in time much of the sites contents mirror that of prof. Lombardi’s… this is a natural progression as the majority of information I have was authored my him.
As has been continually stated this operation has only two main supporters… the data will obviously been infused with the opinions of these doctors.
Again this is the purpose of the database so that in the future it might grow to encompass a much broader spectrum of views.
You have obviously visited my site… but unfortunately it seems this was some time ago as the details that you point out where removed some time ago.
I agreed with you that my personal views were not appropriate for the homepage as this is the first thing people see and my words may have influenced the way they viewed the site as a whole.
I still stand by every word I wrote… my contention is again a personal one. I was lied to and mislead from the beginning of my keratoconus journey… both intentionally and also through ignorance of the facts.
I have the utmost respect for those doctors and researchers who roll up there sleeves and address the problems we have head on. I have met and corresponded with many that I would place in this category. But I have also had to contend with the opposite and I see no reason why I should extend my blind faith to someone just because he wears a white coat and has spent a great amount of time at medical school.
In my opinion respect is earned, it is not a free gift that comes with a medical license.
My family has been involved with medicine all of my life… so my perspective is one that stretches outside of the world of keratoconus.
You say that my site represents a ‘… serious danger’ to the average KC sufferer that is unlucky enough to stumble onto it (Thanks again for your supportive words).
This comment has me scratching my head… the information contained in the site is NOT mine it is freely available to anyone who cares to take the time to track it down. All I have down is eliminate the need to search for hours on the internet.
I have made numerous statements that the information is not to be considered medical advice and I have advised viewers to contact their own medical professionals to discuss the data.
Some of the data is indeed old, the fact that you believe some of it to be ‘… straight false.’ is totally your opinion and as stated you are more than entitled to it.
In exactly the same way you are entitled to voice your opinions regarding corneal graft and the use of rigid hard lenses... many of these contentions I find ' straight False'.
The database is a BEGINNING of the translated information that I have collected… it is intended to be added to and revised. Already I have made a number of changes to the information I originally posted as new details have come to light.
For example I posted information regarding a new incisional treatment for glaucoma in England. At first I posted it because it mentioned that Keratoconus was also treated with this procedure… upon further inquiry I have been informed that the attending surgeons now believe it to be detrimental to an already weak keratoconic cornea… a fact that I have ALSO posted. I have just translated and posted a negative review from the Swiss medical establishement (Yes it is a few years old but I included it non the less).
I’m afraid that you have not read any of my previous posts for if you had you would know that I am not a doctor and yet here I see question after question that I am more than under qualified to answer.
Of course I had to rationalize these topics before I made my decision to have Mini Ark but my methods of reasoning and yours I’m sure will be very different. Mine where based on speaking to ex patients and questioning doctors… it wasn’t so much the replies that I got but rather the attitude and lack of substantial data to back their passionate rejection of this technique that eventually drew me to consider it.
So I will answer your questions as best I can:

1) I made the statement that ….’the information is not intended to sell the technique’ because that is truthfully my intention.
Now that it is online I have some people telling me that it is ‘stupid’ and ‘derivative’…. I’m not sure exactly what it is that people wanted me to include in a database of mini ark articles and information. Did you want ME to write these articles? Did you want me to leave a space wherever the name Lombardi or Abbondanza was supposed to appear? At no point do I suppose to tell anyone to undergo Mini Ark… I just present the same information that I had at my disposal when I was looking for and alternative option.
Prof. Lombardi has never at anytime contacted me to change or post anything on the site. Although I will surely ask him to provide updated data in the future.
I built the site without his knowledge and out of respect for his work I contacted him the day before it went online… he said it was entirely my project and I could continue as I see fit.
I also contacted Dr. Abbondanza at this time to explain why it was that the site had such a definite Lombardi influence. But as I say, as it grows and more data is collected it can expand to encompass all that have been operated with the technique.
I paid for the domain name and built the site myself... it has been a long hard task as I am not a website designer (As is obvious) But it is one that I felt I needed to complete. It is far from perfect but with the support I have recieved from a few of my KC friends (Some of which totally disagree with the concept of ARK) I hope that it will evolve into something worthwhile.

2) Again the comment you refer to has been gone from my site for some time now… but again I stand by it. I agree, It was not appropriate for the homepage.
The notion that incisional surgery is not counterproductive is of course a personal opinion… you are right I am not a doctor and I apologize for stating my personal belief (Although if I am to be asked to not quote prof. Lombardi then it may be my only option… I could of course quote other doctors, as you have, but then who is it that judges them..?)
I am happy that you have at your disposal the ‘Real facts’ …. And your list of doctors is indeed impressive. But it is a little short… I have many more doctors whom I have contacted that say the exact same thing. Everywhere you look on the internet you will find example after example of doctors telling us a big NO to refractive surgery regards keratoconus. I’m not sure why you published these as this is a point that has never been in contention.
But it is of interest to see you mention Prof. Merlin and his statement:
(Prof. Umberto Merlin): ".. I do not perform since many years anymore the radial cheratotomies in the cheratocono because they cause a further weakening to an already weak cornea...".

I believe that prof. Merlin is one of the few doctors to have actually tried mini ark… perhaps you should ask him where it was he studied this technique before he thought it safe to use on his own patients? Surely no matter how great the surgeon a detailed course of training would have been undertaken?

(Prof. Umberto Merlin):
‘It’s not true that after mini ark it’s not possible to have a transplant…’

If the above statement is true then WHY is not mini ark at least considered pre graft… why are those on graft waiting lists not even informed of its existence? What is there to lose? Even a 50% success rate would mean that half of chronic Kcer's could retain their original cornea.

(Prof. Severino Fruscella President Sitrac): ‘Unfortunately I have visited different patients submitted to MiniARK that introduced, after having operation, a worsening of the clinical situation and a great difficulty to correct the defect of sight with the contact lenses...".

Perhaps you could ask the professor to get these ARK patients to contribute to my database so that we can all compare the results… would it not be interesting to see both sides of the problem?

(Prof. Caesar Bisantis): I too have contaced this doctor in the past and he told me very much the same thing. At least he’s consistant!!

3) Again with the same question!!!… My site was NOT intended as a shrine to prof . Lombardi!!! It reflects a lot of what he has said because that is the bulk of the information I have. Had I been operated on by Dr. Abbondanza then I’m sure the site would look quite different. Also one of the main intentions of the site is to provide access to this information for English speaking kc sufferers… you as an Italian may be used to seeing this information but it far more difficult if you are English speaking.
You are also totally wrong in saying that I have also added prof. Lombardi’s secretary’s curriculum… I guess you refer to Silvia Micarelli, if you had bothered to read her profile you would see that she is Prof. Lomabrdi’s surgical assistant.
She has a vast knowledge of all things concerned with mini ark and keratoconus and was present during my personal operation. She is far more that someone that passes the instruments and mops the doctors brow and as such I felt she more than warranted inclusion.
Again this profile section was included more for the benefit of English viewers that have directly asked who are the people behind this treatment.
Also to repeat… I have contacted dr. Abbondanza and informed him of my situation. I have always had an open line of communication with him and although we differ on some points he has stated that he is more concerned with his work than politics. We agree to disagree.

4) As I stated above I intend to insert ALL verifiable testimonials that I am sent. I welcome the balance of those who are not happy with their results. I have been in contact with a patient that is in this category and has decided to try other methods after his ark to treat his KC. If he contacts me I will surely post his story… the same goes for anybody else out there that is interested in sharing there experiences.
You say you will send me topographies of your dissatisfied mini ark patients… this is a noble gesture but one fill of negativity.
If it makes the patient happy I will post it as I will any additional updates from his doctor (You must agree that whoever operated has to be able to defend these results… so again we can all see ALL the information and decide for ourselves).
Why are you not as quick to send me the results of members who have had great results? Each and every one of the questions you have set out here are negative… you never once speak of the prospect that there may in fact be those of us that are HAPPY with our results.
That is unless we are being accused of being paid to heap praise on the Lombardi eye clinic or that we are being tricked into having good results. The Prof. is a good surgeon but I doubt that he is good enough to cure keratoconus merely through the power of suggestion.:)
You say that no serious health professional would publish testimonials from his patients, and that if they did then the only reason is self promotion. I must remember this statement the next time I surf the net…

5) As regards the charts… they are a direct translation of those that appear in Italian. I do not seek to promote them as rock solid certainties but rather they are the OPINION of one doctor.
His name appears on the charts and if you disagree with his statements then you are welcome to disregard them.
If you feel you are being brainwashed by them and feel that you are incapable of discerning what you believe and what you don’t then maybe I should have added that you owe me 1000 euro at the bottom of the chart… (you can send me a cheque whenever you like.:)
Also this is again but one chart… it is the only one I have at the moment but if any doctor wishes to debunk these results then please have them send me the relevant information.
Your next comment is great news… that the corneal graft lasts for, on average, 25-40 years!!!… the statistic that we see everywhere, the 96% success rate for keratoconus, has been confirmed by all these doctors you have mentioned.
That means keratoconus needs only disrupt the lives of 4% of the KC population!!! But of course the result is not so… The question has always been how do we define success. Ask someone who has had PK and then ask a doctor who performs it… I’m sure their answers will be very different.

6) You speak about Prof Lombardi’s comments regarding cross-linking at the Fyodorov Institute, that he stated concern that the process in effect ages the cornea.
I did not know that he has purchased a C3R machine and have no idea as to his motives. I must speak to him about this when we next meet? You on the other hand have again only seen dark motives and declare that his actions are fueled solely by greed. I assume you have spoken to him in great length about this topic to reach such a conclusion.

7) I publicize nothing… I have merely reprinted in an accessible format information that has been readily available for years.
I have never said that mini ark is a ‘heaven’ sent cure. I know both the doctors have repeatedly said that it is not a cure… the extracts that you use are not my words.
It’s a shame you didn’t read my site because the only words that are mine appear in the history page.
The closing statements are the only personal written input I have in the site. And I state that my view can appear too ‘rosy’ I apologize if the majority of you feel that I should remain totally unbiased but my results have been great and I felt that somewhere I needed to say this.
Of course the balance will come when the legions of unhappy patients you believe exist come forward.
You speak of terrorism toward other forms of treatment… and false advertising. I believe to question and argue a contentious issue is far from terrorism. The posting of images specifically created to draw ridicule to a treatment… now that to me is premeditated manipulation of authority. Any first time viewer to this would automatically associate mini ark with nonsense. I know that you did not post these particular images on the French forum but I was just making the point in the broader sense.

8) I’m sorry but of all the arguments put forward concerning Ark this has to be my favorite. I remember arguing for weeks over this exact same issue on another forum. A fact that I am now ashamed of. Why did I waste so much valuable time?
It has to be a very lonely argument that has to resort to debating what the doctor calls himself!!!
Who cares? He can call himself whatever he likes as far as I’m concerned as long as he fix’s my eyes. This is petty politics… search the phone book in Rome and then get back to me when you have convinced all that unlawfully use the title Prof. to rescind it.
The only valid point that did arise from my previous argument was that people may be deceived to think that ‘prof’ Lombardi is somehow more able than he actually is merely due to his title.
In my case I could care less but there you go… others may feel differently, But if this is the only thing that sways your decision you really haven’t researched enough.
I have seen prof. Lombardi’s qualifications and unless he has a secret secretary that is great with Photoshop, I see no reason to disbelieve their authenticity.
I take it you have also seen these same documents?
Interesting fact about professors in Japan though… I didn’t know that. You never know when information like that will come in handy.

9) Looks like you missed this one… time for a coffee.

10) No, I did not write ‘1 to 10’ incisions on my site. These are not my words I simply reproduce them for you to use against me.:)
I truly do not know why there is a discrepancy in numbers… this is not my field of expertise. Maybe as time went on it was thought that more incisions where necessary… I really have no clue as to the reason.
Why do you mention Norbert here? Does the fact that he has had mini ark and is in contact with me a threat to you? I can see of no possible reason why it would be? Unless of course you want me to say that he had a high number and then that would afford you some satisfaction? I have meet Norbert and his wife and they are very good people… I cannot remember if I asked him how many incisions he had but if I had of done I certainly wouldn’t make an issue of it… if you find this amusing then you have a very strange sense of humor. We have the amount of incisions needed to do the job… no more no less.
I’m glad you have seen the Mini Ark photos… as you have been very vocal in the past that they do not exist. And furthermore you have stated that no one would post them as they are too ashamed of the result. Here we finally has the beginning of a gallery and you are still not happy… you have found fault with the incision length merely by viewing a photograph. Rather than thanking the patients involved for sharing their data.
Of course at a later date when you have had the images checked by the FBI you would be more than entitled to dismiss them.

11) 12)13)14)15) I’m sorry but these questions are intended for someone with vastly more scientific knowledge than me… and I expect you.
Of course I considered each of these before undergoing Ark but I did so in my own way. I did not limit myself to numbers… instead I asked questions of ex patients, I asked questions of doctors and finally I weighed up the results. Many have said I was crazy to risk my sight when so much opposition to the procedure is evident. But it was the lack of conviction and ignorance to keratoconus in general that finally lead me to my decision.
I did not meet or speak to prof. Lombardi until well over a year of personal study into the procedure. When I did finally meet him I was pleasantly surprised to find him as direct and politically incorrect as he appeared online. He had a passion for all that he said… I have sat in his waiting room for hours as he affords each of his patients the same consideration. That is not to say that some that have visited him are of a differing opinion… I can only speak of personal experience.

Again you speak of ridiculing the PATOGEN AGENT treatment… with total disregard for those that are experimenting with its effectiveness.
It was a totally new concept to me… I have had to open my mind to all sorts of different possibilities if I am to believe in its worth.
But I am trying it and have had varying results… Just a note, that the issue of amalgam lead poisoning is not restricted to this treatment. It is a source of continued international concern and debate from both points of view.
Again I find the things you find humorous very strange...
As I said it is a treatment that, although far from based on new principles, is very new to our culture. Some years ago acupuncture was also deemed a practice only for witch doctors and yet today we have acupuncture clinics in major hospitals. People always fear and ridicule what they do not understand.

16) You ask ME when this treatment is to be made public!? How should I know? From what I understand the process in Italy for legitimizing these types of homeopathic treatments are non existent or at the very least impossible to achieve with any haste.
But you will have to contact the clinic if you want more information… oh but you did and didn’t get any, sorry I forgot.

17) I find your comments here beyond taste. I personally have not made a firm decision regards the effectiveness of the pathogen treatment. I hope to set up a section on my database so that we can all compare results.
I hope your girlfriend never has to endure the kind of emotional and physical torture that goes along with KC… I know this was again just another of your jokes, just bad taste in my opinion.

18) I hope you enjoy your trip to Rome… Hopefully you get the results you require and can again dance on the decision of we foolish few that made the decision to have ARK.
You are a man that it seems sees the world in absolutes… but nothing ever is.
Am I happy with my decision to have ark… yes, it has exceeded all my expectations… is there room for improvement... yes, its an ongoing process... are there those that are not happy with ARK… yes, there are… and their reasons are various.
If you want the reason to be that Prof. Lombardi is an evil man that manipulates the innocent then so be it. But I find it much more productive to discuss WHY they are unhappy and then seek too remedy the situation.

I hate this kind of discussion…it make me feel like a humorless old man that has nothing better to do with his time than rant on the internet.
So to close I say this… is nothing more than a collection of articles, images and reports regarding mini ark. You are all welcome to contribute, to inform me of any errors and to provide your testimonies …
I cannot alter the text of reports that were not written by me but I can provide alternative views by publishing opposing doctors views.
You can tell me that my site is 'a stupid joke' (as some already have :)) or you can offer your support... at the end of the day I'm nobody of importance, I'm just a guy who had keratoconus that now dosen't.
I have no influence on the way that popular opinion swings... the KC world turns by itself.

I'm sorry this text is not in italian but I accidentally erased the original Italian version my wife typed… and now shes not speaking to me :)

Scaistar I really don’t think people are so interested that it warrants setting up this little playground for us both to throw sand in each others faces.
My advice is to leave ALL sections of your forum open and let people have their say.

Best Regards,
Hari Navarro

lunedì 19 dicembre 2005, 0:23
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
The sound of silence tells me that we have at last reached a point where we can disagree with respect (or you are waiting for that vital piece of information to unleash on me :)).
New data is being presented that brings great hope to our Keratoconic community... Reports that Pk is becoming a less sort after option are welcome and a whole new world of treatment options are gaining credibility daily.
Finally we are being treated to the information we deserve... Our options MUST be vast as we as patients are so diffrent from each other.
Mini Ark may be my choice of treatment but whos to say that cross-linking is not yours or any other of the various treatments?
A little over a year ago I didn't have the treatment options I have today... Its not as if they appeared from nowhere... they have always been an option.
Its just that it has taken some very loud voices to get them to who needs them most.... us.
You can says that trials needed to be had... that tests where required and results confirmed and triple confirmed... But I for one dont need a monkey to tell me whats best for me.
I totally agree and see your point that to progress we do not have to sacrifice ourselves... but you must see that the decision to step into these brave new treatments are not taken lightly... that we all see and hear the distrust some have in our decision (The pictures of RK gone wrong posted here keep me up at night)... but I have faith in the result.
In MY case the outcome has been fantastic...
I would assume that even Prof Lombardi would disagree with me (His attention to detail and passion for perfection is not just my hollow words of praise) ... He is not a magician and he cannot alter nature. But he can, to a degree try and work with it...
I have to be honest with you Scaistar... I have had many of the same doubts as you, but I have spoken to some very fine people regarding aspects of Prof. Lombardis work and have been opened to an entire world that I did not know existed. I could speak for hours about the things that I have been shown... but it is of little use if you are on another path.
You have faith in the doctors that you entrust to sponsor this site... That they can direct you to the answer to your Keratoconus.
I have chosen Prof Lombardi's approuch and have already seen the result... you can argue to how long it will last. But I would find it much more interesting to argue how it has lasted at all.
Dont limit yourself to any one option... (Some of them may be a million miles from what you have been taught to accept).
I truelly believe we are on the eve of killing Keratoconus... but it will take a concerted attack from all sides.
It not a case of saying Mini Ark is the cure all of KC... in my opinion its more a situation of using the BEST tools at our disposal to attack the problem.
Its not a black and white problem,

giovedì 5 gennaio 2006, 2:18
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
Hari excuse me for delay, But answer, and quote, and then translate, asked me for most time, and this week was not the best. And after who is in a hurry? :P
Besides... I still waited for some answer and the Australian register, that however they not have changed anything.

Dear Scaistar,
This is really the type of repetitive discussion, that I was trying to avoid preparing the site. Those that you/they know anything of Miniark know that everybody of these themes has already been disputed to death on various FORUM.
But if we must address here again them my position:
I believe that you are reporting when it makes Your affirmation to the beginning. it would be easier if You as soon as it refers to me writes my name.
The events of which you speak speaking of the German hole of a letter to you expeditious to one of the administrators (it is clear now that Your words were not never understood to be made public but they has done him/it instead).
You spoke of negative and very definitive conclusions and as you/he/she can be seen you/they have now found a base

Only one of accusations were yours and from Sajeev, the other ones came from other directions. And however we have clarified that my words were not for "to infest" the German Forum (for your information I cannot even enter that Forum).

This event was followed by the parody of the MiniARK on the French hole. I know that you don't have responsibility for what is openly published on holes foreigners but Your support for this movement it was obvious. Do I wonder me as it would find the humor if I posted the same kind of images on Your hole but speaking of slow to contact?
As he/she sees it is not only the MiniARK or the Prof. Lombardi that effects this kind of action but this way his/her patients. We have worked a lot for finding an exit in the jungle of KC and if you sustain the concept or no we still deserve respect and support.

Besides not having responsibility for the parody created by the webmaster French joker, believe me, not even it is not connected to me. Since I have been having Adsl from a week I could not see clip and audio from his sie, the only thing I saw it was a beautiful young girl in top: lol: Because of the language then I have also had difficulty to understand that it dealt with a parody:?
And however I don't support (despite I like a lot to joke and I do here also often it, and know well Photoshop). I have quoted here French only for the fact that on 300 affiliate nobody has made the MiniARK (probably, contrarily what you think, influence is important). I don't believe that on 300 there is not a only one subject able to think with his Head and to decide to make few hours of trip.

I don't do, as you have suggested, I accept the responsibility for the patients on my site. I have gone to the great lengths to try and to only offer information. I don't suppose to think for anybody.
My choice to open my site was made for purely personal reasons. I have thought you/he/she would have been a positive movement to pick up together all the information in the one puts as you/he/she could be debated on and then lately approved or you/he/she could have refused.
Of, new I agree that to this moment a lot of things mirror of contents those of the prof. Lombardi. this is a natural progress as information majority authorized by him.
As this operation you/he/she has continually been affirmed it only has two supporting principals. the data for strength have been integrated with the opinions of these doctors.
Again this is the purpose of the database so that in the future it would start to include a ghost very more breadth of sights.

I perfectly arrange with you when says that we have the two different think. You has built a site with the idea of a "Container". Without worrying about the true news, false, old or not verified. You put together only in a showcase. Clearly, being of part (by circumstance) curtains to bring only who is for the technique and not the about ten mail of the contrary (what you says to have) doctors, but I wish me that the site grows in both the directions.
Instead my idea of site is that of moral support, to the patient that from one day to the other one it is found to be "sick rare", and it finds again him in the jungle of the medical health. What to do? If you go to Rome-MI = MiniARK fast and ready, if you go from the rest of other oculists = nothing to be done... LAC and, after, transplantation, if you go to Bologna = INTACS, if you go to Siena "perhaps" X-linking, if you go to Germany circular keratotomy, etc..
For this motive, the site must bring all the information (Pro and not) but at the same time must give material for reflect (until demonstrate contrary I have never told anybody "don't Do mini-ark". I say only "inform as well you can on this techniques and on the alternatives!".

you have evidently visited my place. but unfortunately it seems that a few times and some things it has happened I have removed a long time ago her some.
I agreed with You that my perspectives personal they were not proper for the homepage as this it is the first people of thing they see and my words have been able to influence their way they saw as a whole the site.
I still maintain every word that I wrote. my argument is again a personnel. I lie and I misguide from the beginning of my trip of keratoconus. intentionally and also through the ignorance of the facts.
I have the maximum respect for that doctors and researchers that turn up the sleeves and they address the problems we have head on. I have met and I have corresponded with many that I would put in this category. But I have had to also contend with the opposite one and me I don't see reason because I should extend only my blind faith to someone because he brings a white coat and you/he/she has spent a great amount of time to medical school.
In my respect of opinion you/he/she is earned, it is not free a gift that it comes with a medical license.
My family has been behaved with medicine all of my life. this way my perspective is one that curtains out of the world of keratoconus.

perhaps misunderstands me. I am an Architect, and the most famous architects of the earth are not University Teachers. The famous Frank Lloyd Wright (that of "house on the fall") was a donkey to school straight. And, since I have had ago a contract with the University in Naples up to a few months I'm convinced even more about what I affirm. Despite this I have met exceptional (of international level) teachers, with which job now out of the university. And the same I think about medical field. For this I condemned you to generalize on "medical class" (note: I have already changed 3 oculists => dogs, but i don't stop my research).

you say that my site represents a '. serious danger' to the suffering one of KC I mediate that is unlucky enough (Thanks again for Your words of appogge). This comment makes me scratch my head. the contained information in the place are not mine it is freely available to whoever who desires to take the time to read her. to eliminate the need to look for times on the internet.
I have made numerous affirmations that information won't be considered suggestion physician and me I have recommended observatories to contact theirs proper professional physicians to discuss the data.
Some of the data are old indeed, the fact that you believe that some are' false.' it is totally Your opinion.
The database is a Beginning of the information translated that I have picked up. he intends that is assistant to, and revised. I have already made a number of changes to the information me originally posted as you detail new you/he/she has come to light.
For example me posted information respect to a treatment of new incisional for glaucoma in England. For before me the placards because it mentioned that Keratoconus was also treated with this procedure. on the further investigation I have been informed that the surgeons that frequent now believe him/it to be already harmful to a cornea of weak keratoconic.
Me as soon as I have translated and I have posted a negative revision of the Swiss (Sì is some years old but I included him not the less) medical establishement.
I am afraid that you have not read my some of places precedents for if you had you he/she would know that I am not a doctor and I still see question after question that I don't have qualification to answer.

ohh. I don't understand then because you have not also published the other half. Instead of defining the class medical "arrogant" you could simply open a section with the mails of whom is Against, and to leave the possibility to appraise the 2 position to the visitor (but justly, he is born for learning and there is the whole time to modify. After all, a site is always "under construction").

I clearly had to rationalize these themes before me taken my decision to have MiniARK but my methods to reason and Your self are sure it will be very different. Mine where it founded on to speak to ex patients and interrogatory doctors. the replicas it was not so a lot of that I have found but rather the attitude and lack of substantial data to back their impassioned refusal of this technique that you/he/she has eventually drawn me to consider him/it.

I have done the same and I have not had Any refusal. Simply the explanation of the REASON he doesn't consider the technique.

Therefore I will respond to Your questions as best I am able:

1) I made the affirmation that. 'he doesn't intend that information sell the technique, because that really it is my intention.
Now that me it is on-line I have some people that tell me that it is 'stupid' and 'derivative'.. I precisely am not sure what is that the people wanted me to include in a database of articles of mini ark and information. Does he/she want that I wrote these articles? Does he/she want that I left wherever a space the name Lombardi or Abundance were supposed to appear? To any point I suppose to tell whoever to make Ark Bill. me as soon as I introduce the same information that I had to my disposition when I was looking for and chosen alternative.
Prof. Lombardi has never contacted me to change or sets anything on the site. Even if I will certainly ask to him to offer data adjourned in the future.
Me he/she built the site without his/her knowledge and for respect toward his/her job I contacted him/it the day before it went on-line. he said it was completely my project and me I could continue as I see the adaptation.
I also contacted Dr. Abundance to this point to explain because the site had such influence of Lombardi. But as I say, as it grows and more data we will pick up, to include everybody that has been operated with the technique.
I paid for the name of dominion and I built the site me... you/he/she has been a hard and long assignment because I am not webmaster (As it is obvious) But it is one whom I have felt that I have had need to complete. It is away from the perfect one but with the support I have recieved from some of my friends (Some / and of the / lle what totally it disagrees with the concept of Ark) of KC I hope that it will evolve in anything deserving.

I don't hold "Stupid" the initiative to open a site on the miniark. But when I have opened him the first time I have found him "ridiculous" (consideration My personnel). However, I see that some things you have understood her and you confirm, others you have corrected, and the good intentions to change road are there.
Then if you allow me, I would want to add me to the list of "friends of KC" that can help to make evolve the site.

2) again the comment to which you refer has been gone now from my site for of the time. I agree, it was not proper for the homepage.
The notion that the surgery of incisional is not counterproductive is clearly a personal opinion. You are right I am not a doctor and me I apologize me to affirm my personal belief (even if if I am him to ask not to quote prof. Then Lombardi can be mine only choice. could I clearly quote the other doctors, as you have, but then who judges who them.?
I am happy that you have to Your disposition the 'True done. And Your list of doctors is impressive indeed. But it is a few short. I have very more doctors that I have contacted that they say the same exact thing. Everywhere you look on the internet you will find example after example of doctors that tells us a great No to the refracting surgery on keratoconus. I am not sure because you published these as this it is a point that has never been in argument.
But it is of interest to see to mention her/it Prof. Merlin and his/her affirmation:
(Prof. Umberto Merlo): ".. I don't complete since many years anymore the radial cheratotomies in the cheratocono because they provokes a further weakening to an already weak cornea...".

I believe in that profs. Merlin one is of the few doctors that the MiniARK indeed has tried. should you perhaps ask to him where you/he/she has studied this technique before pensaredi to use her/it on his own patients? Certainly any matter as great the surgeon a detailed course to train would have been undertaken?

Beh, should ask also me as a doctor learns to make the transplantation, as learns to put the Intacses, as learns to dose the UVA rays ... and thing has happened to those that have done these operations to the beginning.
The same I wonder me where the first ones are operated of the years 90 of MiniARK when the 2 doctors have started to experiment this new technique.
If then we now want to compare a new-graduate that (justly) it would ever start making cuts on the KC (for bad school and for inexperience) to a doctor that a (good or not) having been following ago now this type of operations for 20 years... it is clear that cannot be gotten the same results.
But do you believes that the 2 Dr. are they the only ones to know the correct recipe?
do you believes indeed that none of the other experts both able to read the publication of the Journal. of 97 and to repeat the same cuts?

(Prof. Umberto Merlo):
'It is not true that after mini ark is not possible possession a transplantation.'
If the affirmation on it is true then Because mini ark is not considered at least pre the graft. why those also are not on lists of attended of graft informed about his/her existence? Which is it to lose there? Also a 50% success percentage would intend that half chronic Kcer you/he/she could hold back their original cornea.

Simple. because a patient that has put in attend list, has a cornea very thinned. And even if it was a Dr. PRO-MINIARK, could he ever recommend a technique that must be performed on eyes with at least 400micron and to the I-II phase???

(Prof. Severino Fruscella president Sitrac): 'Unfortunately I have visited patient different submitted to MiniARK that has introduced, after having had operation a worsening of the clinical situation and a great difficulty to correct the defect of sight with the lenses of contact...".

You could perhaps ask to the teacher to find these patients of MiniARK to contribute to my database so that we can every comparison the results. would not it be interesting to see both the sides of the problem?

could be a good addition to the road in Siena. I remember however that the "happy" dare speak and to publish maps (not even everybody). "unhappy" instead they don't speak. Apart Simone that has reached an extreme condition instead the others... it needs to force them (and I don't see for what motive I must to force them to collaborate).

3) again with the same question!!!. My place was not understood as a shrine to prof. Lombardi!!! What he has said reflects a lot because that it is the mass of the information I have. You/he/she had been me operated above from Dr. Abundance then I am sure the site it would look rather different. Also one of the principal intentions of the site must offer access to these information for suffering of kc of word English. You as an Italian can be used to seeing them distant this information but more difficulty if you are English word.
You has totally twisted also in to say that I have also added prof. The secretary of Lombardi the curriculum. I guess you it refers to Silvia Micarelli, if you had bothered to read his/her profile you would see that she is Prof. The surgical assistant of Lomabrdi.
You do it worries him about an enormous knowledge of all the things of miniark and keratoconus and it was present during my personal operation. You are far more than someone who passes the tools and it washes the eyebrow of doctors and as such I felt his/her guaranteed inclusion.
Again this section was included in profile more for the benefit of English observatories that you/they have directly asked to whom the people it is behind this treatment.
And I repeat. I have contacted dr. Abundance and it informed him about my situation. I have always had a line open of communication with him and even if we differ on the points he has affirmed that he pertains to more with job his that the politics. We agree not to agree.

do you think is more important publish curriculum of Lombardi assistant rather than opinions of the other Profs. and Doctors that you has contacted?
This will surely do you happy, but it is clear that in the optics of whom visits the site for the first time, you lose credibility.'

4) as me I affirmed above me I intend to insert All the verifiable references that I am expeditious. I give the welcome one the equilibrium of those that I/you/they are not happy with their results. I have been in contact with a patient that is in this category and you/he/she has decided to try the other methods after his/her MiniARK to treat his/her KC. If he contacts me I will certainly post his/her history. the same is worth there out for someone other that it is interested to divide his/her experience.
You say you it will send me topographies of Your mini and dissatisfied patients of ark. this is a noble gesture but a filling of negativity.
If it makes the happy patient I will post him as I want some additional updatings from his/her doctor (you must agree that whoever operated you/he/she must be able to defend these results. this way we can again all sees All the information and decides for us).
Why is it not as express to send me the results of members that have had the great results? Each and every one of the questions you have put out his/her negatività. You speak once never of the perspective that is that that we am happy with our results.
That is unless we am accused to be paid to pile up praises on the clinic of eye of Lombardi or that we am tangled to have results. The Prof. it is a good surgeon but me I doubt that he is good enough to recover only keratoconus through the power of suggestion.
You say that none professional of health serious would publish testimonies from his/her patients, and that if theirs made then the only reason it is same promotion. I must remember this affirmation the neighbor it turns that I practise the surfing the net.

No. I have asked only to know if will publish only the happy patients. In our GALLERY we have published all maps, negativite or less. it's clear that if the patients will give the permission, you can publish that of your site, happy or less.
I concern to your Happy results I have expressed more times my opinion. But "my opinion" or "your" don't help anybody. It is not that the objective that interests me to reach. The opinions are personal.

5) the the charts. they is a direct translation of those that you/they appear in Italian. I don't try to promote them as stone the solid certainties but rather they is the opinion of a doctor.
Its name appears on the charts and if you don't agree then with its affirmations I beg to neglect them.
If you feel you you/he/she is served the washing of the brain as touch and they that you are incapable to discern what you believe and what you don't perhaps do then that I would have had to add that you owe me 1000 European to the fund of the chart. (You can send whenever me every a banking check that he likes.
This is again also but a chart. it is only the a self I have to the moment but if some doctor desires to reorganize these results you arrange then has that they send them me the connected information.
Your next comment is the great news. what a the corneal graft last for, on average, 25-40 years!!!. the statistic that we see everywhere, the 96% success percentage for keratoconus has been confirmed by all these doctors that you have mentioned.
What intends keratoconus only has need break up the lives of 4% of the population of KC!!! But clearly the result is not this way. The question has always been as us we define the success. Asks someone that has had PK and then you/he/she has asked to a doctor that completes him/it. I am sure their answers they will be very different.

We have in the site doctors that make PK and patients that are submitted to transplantation. I don't see where the problem is. They tell all the positive and negative sides without any censorship.
I would like to know however, in base to what parameters you has chosen to publish Only Those Charts instead of others. And if you has decided to publish her because it finds your full approval, or if instead doesn't agree with that data, but has wanted to publish her same (for Love for Information).

6) you speak around the comments concerning of Prof Lombardi cross-connecting to the institute of Fyodorov, that he affirmed worry that the trial in centuries of effect the cornea.
I didn't know that he has purchased a car of C3R and you/he/she has not had idea as to his/her motives. Must I speak to him around this when we meet following? You on the other hand has seen again only dark motives and it declares that its actions are only fed by avarice. I suppose you you/he/she has spoken to him in the great length on this theme to arrive such conclusion.

have simply reached that conclusion because I have felt with my ears from Dr. Lombardi " this "stupid" experiments with the riboflavina we did them in the '84 with Fiodorov..."
And then I find Dr. Lombardi that arrives on the FORUM to publicize after a long silence (who knows why?) that in January it will begin Xlinking treatment .
Now. it is for money, or instead the Dr. Should Lombardi admit (at least once so much) that he is been wrong on this technique, or that the experiments that it probably did with Fiodorov were not correct (or is the discourse of the skill level worth for the MiniARK only?)

7) I don't publish anything. I have reprinted only in an accessible information of configuration that have quickly been being available for years.
I have never said that the MiniARK is a care. I know that you/they have repeatedly said both the doctors that it is not a care. the extracts that you use are not my words.
It is a shame you didn't read my place because the only words that are mine appear in the page of history.
The last affirmations are the only contribution written personal that I have in the place. And I affirm that my sight can also appear 'rosy' I apologize me if the majority of You touch that I should totally be impartial but my results have been great and I felt in some place what I have had need to say this.
The equilibrium will clearly come when the legions of unhappy patients in which you believe exist they will come out.

Once more they come me doubts on the whether to decide to publish only certain aspects of the story, and in fact I am not the only one to have noticed the lack of impartiality.
I am not Me to Believe that there are patient "unhappy" persons!!!. however we will see to throw out for the equilibrium of which you speaks.

you speak of the terrorism toward the other forms of treatment. and false publicity. I believe to question and to debate a problem of contentious is away from the terrorism. The assignment of images specifically created to attract ridiculous to a treatment. now that to me manipulation of authority is intentional. Some first observer of time to this would automatically associate miniARK with nonsense. I know that you not posted these particular images on the French hole but me were making only the point in the widest sense.

In fact I condemn both the positions. I would prefer to speak of certain data and not of nonsense or parodies (but even of false data)..

8) I am sorry but of all the matters put in before respect to Ark this must be my favorite. I remember to dispute for weeks on this same exact problem on another hole. A fact that me I am now ashamed of. Why did I waste so a lot of precious duration?
Must be a very solitary matter that must resort to debating what calls the doctor!!!
Who takes care of? He can call anything that he likes far as as me I pertain to until him it mends my eyes. This is political small. the search the book of telephone in Rome and then arrives again when you have convinced everybody that illegally the use the title Prof. to rescind him/it.
The only valid point that has risen from my preceding matter was that the people can be deceived for thinking that 'the prof' Lombardi is somehow more able him.
In my case I could take care of less but there you go. others can differently feel, But if this is the only thing that ripples Your decision you have not really investigated enough.
I have seen prof. The qualifications of Lombardi and unless he has a secret secretary that is great with Photoshop, I don't see any reason to doubt their authenticity.
Do I pick him/it up you have also seen these same documents?

NO. Absolutely No. It is not true that whoever can call as he wants. The law regulates titles (and punishes usurpation of title).
Once more we have different positions. To you doesn't interest to know who has before, it is enough for you to know that it will resolve problem.
instead, I need to know to whom will put my Important eyes. And I need also know why you become PROF, and above all I need to know why write on my FORUM many chatters but doesn't answer when for well 3 times in 6 months I set Simple question "where you has become Prof."
I don't have need to see wall titles (for you information I have been A Whole Day to Dr. Lombardi clinic on February 15 th 2005 therefore I don't speak for "voices" and I can return there when i want).
Mine "analysis" part from the simple visit on a page web. And' obvious that if I feel necessary in the future, I will go on with more serious actions (in Spain the newscast never speaks of forgeries arrested doctors?).
I am not doing anybody accusation (at this moment). I am asking only an information without understanding because I cannot Have An Answer :roll:

9) it misses the 9. break coffee.

no. simply I must sleep more :? 8)

10) no, I didn't write 1 to 10' incisions on my place. These are not my words I have simply written her to do you her to use against me.
Me really I don't know why a discrepancy there is in numbers. this is not my field. Perhaps as the time it followed him/it you/he/she was thought that more incisions where necessary. I don't really have sign as to the reason.
Why does Norbert mention here? Ago the fact that he has had mini ark and you/he/she has been in contact with me a threat to you? Can I see of any possible reason because it would be? Clearly you want that I say that he had a tall number and then those if they would allow her some satisfaction? I have reunion Norbert and his/her wife and them they are very good people. I cannot remember if I asked to him how many incisions he had but if I had of done me I would not certainly do a problem of it. if you find then this amusing you have a sense of the very strange humor. We make to have need the amount of incisions to do the job. anybody more anybody less.
I am happy you have seen the photos of Ark Bill. as you have been very vocal of past that they doesn't exist. And besides you have affirmed that nobody would post them as they is ashamed too much of the result. Here we finally have still the beginning of a gallery and you it is not happy. You has found only guilt with the length of incision seeing a photo. Rather than thanking the patients involved for dividing their data.
Clearly to a later the date when you have made to check the images from the FBI Lei it would be more than it entitled to throw back them.

You sustain to have studied, and to be informed before. Evidently I have studied better if I go to notice certain "small discordances", also not belonging to the FBI.
I have simply thrown out Norbert because in one email he wrote me to have a number of incisions Abundantly Superior To How much Officially Declared , and this hurt me not little. Well, if you are able, you add to your site "here contained information would be able not to respect the real execution of the technique (as is written on ice cream box, or of chocolates to say that the image would be able not to mirror content).
I attend to also see photo and maps of Norbert (considering that it is your friend) to understand the actual state of the MiniARK (because now read documents has become useless. we are speaking of technic that have no documentation).

11) 12) 13) 14) 15) I am sorry but these questions are vastly understood for someone with knowledge more scientific than me. and me me The aspect.

What a pity. I wish me that at least as promoter of the site, face so that to widen the information, and even to find answer to these questions.

I Clearly considered each of these before suffering Ark but me I did so in my his/her own way. I didn't confine me to numbers. I asked questions instead of ex the patients, I asked questions of doctors and I finally weighed on the results. Many have said me I was crazy to risk my sight when so a lot of opposition to the procedure is evident. But it was in general the lack of the sentence and the ignorance to keratoconus that it finally conducts me to my decision.

Ohh.... we finally come to a beautiful point: "the ignorance." Also I have continually set questions, and I have very often seen lost faces, like if i'm speaking alien matters. I have seen patient to speak of perfect sight, and then I have found old messages in which still complained about defects; I have seen patient to speak and challenge me on the 10/10 visus, and then to talk in other places of problems in the use of LAC, has seen patient to declare to have increases thickness of many microns, and then I discover they have no topography in hand; I have discovered of patients that used 2 different usernames, and with one they spoke badly about Dr.Lombardi and with the other he thank it to have given back the sight (if you want I can show this post).
You have really right! is not guilt of the doctors, but above all of the patients.

I didn't meet or I talked to prof. Lombardi up to that well on one year of personal study in the procedure. When me I finally met him I was pleasantly amazed to find him as forehand and politically incorrect as him it appeared on-line. He had a passion for everybody that he has said. I sit in his/her room of had been attending for times as him it allows him each of his/her patients the same consideration. That is not to say that some that have visited him are of a different opinion. I can only speak of the personal experience.

Certain . it's your experience. And there are many others.
But does you have idea instead of how many people go out of that study thinking "it is crazy?" :lol:

again you speak to put in ridiculous the treatment of Agent of PATOGEN. with carelessness of total for those that are experimenting with his/her effectiveness.
It was totally a new concept to me. I have had to open my mind to all the son-in-laws of different possibility if I have been to believe in his/her value.
But I am trying him/it and I have had resulted different. Only one note that the problem of lead poisoning of amalgam is not tightened to this treatment. It is a source of international worry and continued and it debates from both the points of view.
Again I find the things you find humorous very strange...
As I said it is a treatment that, even if away from it founded on new principles, it is very new to our culture. The acupuncture was only held ago also some years a practice for wizards and we still have clinics of acupuncture in the hospitals of great today. The people always fear and ridiculous what they doesn't understand.

I am not ridiculing at all. Rather, my proposal of the test to verify with the MORA Machine who has the KC and who no it is always valid. But I understand that it is useless to also speak of this matter, at least until when we won't have the opportunity speak on some concrete data.
It is not ridiculous because I don't understand it. And' ridiculous the way according to which the matter is faced. I am proposing only seriously to make some verification, and I don't see because cannot be done. :roll:

16) you ask to me when this treatment will be made I publish!? How should I know? From what I understand the trial in Italy to legitimate these types of homeopathic treatments it is existing not or to realize with some alacrity.
But you must contact the clinic if you want further information. oh but you did and it didn't find some, sorry I forgot.

The homeopathy is in phase of observation in Italy. I don't see however why this fusion of homeopathic medicines with a presumed patogen agent .
Why to mix homeopathy, acupuncture and other alternative techniques, with discover of a presumed parasitic? There is not here anything to believe or not to Believe. there is a parasite. then a something that is here and we can see. Why cannot we see after so many years?

17) I find here Your comments over taste. I have not personally made a fixed decision it concerns the effectiveness of the treatment of pathogen. I hope to prepare a section on my database so that we can all the results of comparison.
I never hope for Your girl you/he/she must bear some kind of emotional torture and physics that it goes together with KC. I know that this was only again another of Your jokes, only bad taste in my opinion.

ok... impossible also verify this information.

18 I hope that you enjoy Your trip to Rome. With good hope you find the results you require and you/he/she can dance again on the decision of us I shock little that the decision did to have Ark.
You are a man that it seems he/she sees the world in absolutes. but nothing is never.
It is me happy with my decision to have ark. yes, you/he/she has exceeded all of my anticipations. it is there room for improvement... yes, his/her a trial in progress... it is those that are not happy there with Ark. yes, there is. and their reasons are various.
If you want the reason to be that Profs. Lombardi is a bad man that manipulates then the innocent one so it is it. But I find him/it very more productive to discuss Because they is unhappy and then they also look for remedies to the situation.

Then to closing I say this. is not anything more than a harvest of articles, images and relationships respect to mini ark. You are welcome entirely to contribute, to inform me about some errors and to offer Your testimonies.
I cannot alter the text of relationships that I/you/they have not been written by me but me I can offer sights alternatives publishing sights of doctors adversary.
You can tell that my place is 'a stupid joke' (as some already has) or you can offer Your support... at the end of the day I am not none of the importance, I am only a boy that had keratoconus what time it doesn't have.
I don't have influence on the way that the popular opinion swings... the world of KC turns alone.

You attacked me when I have said that "operated patients talk to the words of his own doctor". you can see it is continuous, and not little bothers me. [Color=red] The patient that operates him of MiniARK is convinced that doesn't have anymore keratoconus [/ color]. I can understand that this affirmation comes from a mason, that don't know who is KC, and decides to undergo an operation. But from one say to have studied for a long time first to have picked up information, and that believes to be able to furnish a "Container of data and news",.
... I don't accept him!
Perhaps you has not understood yet what is it keratoconus.
Perhaps you has not understood what is True Motive for which the doctors condamn miniark.
I want to ask you a question.


In this image superficial and basal epithelium of a healthy eye and stripes of initial Vogt are seen to the left. To the right those are seen instead of an eye with keratoconus.
If you had the keratoconus, your eyes had put to the right. If instead you don't now Have Anymore keratoconus means that cells of your eyes are returned to be as those of left.
If indeed you succeed in demonstrating me as incisions can make this, I booktoday the operation. In contrary case you should stop saying that you don't have keratoconus anymore because (unfortunately it is a bitter truth), no one cannot remove anymore it.
And probably. the doctors that study these things, know very well (more than you and me) what damages can cause some incisions on tissue like our, and simply close saying that they have "prejudices", or that their skill level has not been as tall as that "Russian", I repeat , it is not correct towards who studies this disease with heart.

I am sorry this text it is not in Italian but I accidentally annulled the Italian and original version my typed wife.
Scaistar Il my suggestion is to let All the sections of Your hole open and left people have them says.
Best regards,
Hari Navarro

sorry. we had some problem with the database :?

PS: It is right. The Spanish wine decidedly disgust. we have made here 2 months ago a test with teacher of university of Valladolid in Naples, on laser scanner 3D (practically we have made a topography of the Plebiscite plaza: twisted: ). The Prof. has given us 2 bottles of local wine. worse of the vinegar. :cry: :?
I live in province of Naples instead, very next to the Vesuvius, and when you will be in Italy I will make you try wine that my father produces. 8) (and me with my feet. :lol: )
PS2: I have studied english for 2 years at surveyor school(one of the few institutes in which he doesn't study English 5 years: evil: ) by now well 16 years ago. But that I know come from continuous training of internet, and not certain to the teaching.
I have another site that forces me to have contacts with Russian, German, Polish, and a little while ago I have also subscribed Zackyfiles. (Spanish. 8)). That little that I have learned this summer to Barcellona has served me. :twisted:

“Live Together, Die Alone”

giovedì 5 gennaio 2006, 18:25
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Hello Scaistar,
I have been getting a lot of response from both the database and our conversation here. Which I feel can only be a good thing...

There are many people in the world Scaistar, there are those that focus their time and energy on making a difference and there are those that sit back and criticize.
You have proven by your response that you are have a great passion for the things you have spoken of. You have taken the inititive to set up this forum and provide a place for people to interact... I know a little of the effort it takes to run a site such as yours, it is not an easy days work :)
But we still differ on many points... :)

The thing that maddens me the most is when people assume something without researching it first. It is sad that people assume that I am promoting Prof. Lombardi simply because I have created the database... All I wanted was to create an organized body of related information. Thats all!!... I truely do not hold myself responsible for its content (As I DID NOT write it)...
Also as I said it is intended that the site will grow to encompass ALL results (The good, the bad and the ugly),

I truelly wish that I could put the many negative letters I recieved from various doctors on my site... problem is that I have been refused permission to state the doctors names (I will attempt once again to gain permission as I feel if something is valid enough to be said privately then ALL should know).

I am sorry if my comments on the medical class were seen as a generalisation (As I said, I respect those who gain my respect).

In answer to your question...

Yes, I do believe that the 2 doctors are the only ones that know the mini ark (recipe), it has been perfected over many years of use. The same cannot be said of other doctors as they simply havent been using the technique.
I believe at its heart it is a simple procedure... but its complexity comes with being able to correctly place the incisions so as to promote the best possible healing matrix.
How many of the patients of the doctor you mentioned that had ark and went on to graft did he operate on himself? He used mini ark it failed, he used it again, it failed... these are patients not lab rats.
You are an architect but would you construct a building without first meeting with its designer? It is the subtle things that make the difference? Professional arrogance is dangerous in any field but most especially medicine.
Do you assume that mini ark can be learnt from reading a few papers? If only life were that easy.

Of course you must not 'force' anyone to contribute to my site. To be honest it is difficult to get people to commit there results both good or bad. But if you do have any patient data that I can post then please forward it... If the result is not satisfactory then it would be of interest to see why.

I can not for the life of me see what is wrong with publishing the bio's of the team of people that treated my keratoconus. Silvia Micarelli proformed all my tests and was an important part of my operation... She has informed me in depth regarding data I did not understand and she is very valid to the story.

The answer to what kind of parameters I use to publish data is simple... (I have none) except that they must be able to be open to cross examination (as you are doing here).
The site is still new and I have been very busy over Christmas, the information that is available at the moment is the START of what I hope is an evolving collection of related data. I have been attacked for 'show casing' mini ark, this was never the intention... again those comments are from those who 'assume' to know my motives.

Prof. Lombardi has a letter regarding his position on cross-linking at KC Global support... I believe he states there how he intends to incorparate this method, possibly at times (As you stated) when the corneal thickness is too thin for Ark.
But I am to visit Rome in the near future and will I'm to sure discover further interesting data.

I see the topic of whos a prof and who is not is one you find important. Yes you are right we all do not have the right to be called prof. but in prof. Lombardi's case I feel that he does.
But I also do not frankly care... I didnt have ark because he was a prof. I had it because I believed in the concept. If you believe that prof. Lombardi is not a doctor then that is a diffrent case all together... The rest to me is politics.

Yes I do consider Norbert to be a friend (although we have only met briefly) but I in no way intend to ask him to add his data to my site. He will when or if he decides to... all I can do is set the stage to present the information.

You again misunderstand the intention of my site, again you say I am a promotor (Where have I ever told anyone to have ARK... I have never once in any forum said any such thing) The intention is to provide a place where people can add related data and then access the results.

If you believe there is no professinal ignorance (At all??) to the day to day lives of those of us in the KC community then you must not have been reading the same forums as I.
The famous case of a little american girl misdiagnosed by a number of 'top'...'leading' eye specialists... she was told that she had advanced KC... by chance her mother had the courage to fly her half way across the country for another opinion and it was here that it was found KC wasnt present (or at least not in the form she had been informed).
Human error? Maybe, we all make mistakes... My specialist told me that I had nothing wrong with my eyes, my contact lens specialist told me that RGP's would 'CURE' my kc... My next specialist had to look kc up in the dictionary... my story is not unique.
But it is also NOT the case that there arent many good doctors out there that are making the effort to find us solutions. All I'm saying is that ignorance is ignorance ... putting a white coat on it changes nothing.

:) There may be a great number of people who come out of the Clinic thinking the prof. is crazy... I really dont know. Do you?

Its simplistic to say that I said that Ark was overshadowed by its Russian origin or that poor prof. Lombardi has been dismissed for political reasons.
I feel many factors contribute to its acceptance or lack of.
Here you have set up a private forum to do nothing but speak about it... It has substance and it has results.
But it also has the ability to passionatly infuriate those who cannot grasp its worth...
Your scientific questions are again intriguing, I wait as you do for those who know of such things to answer your questions (As you said, we are not doctors and our views are only opinion).

At the end of the day Scaistar I am not avoiding your medical questions... I simply feel that I am not in a position to answer with any substance. I feel now that I have a better idea of you as a person (translating from Italian can paint diffrent pictures)...
So again I tell you, I'm just a guy who has taken the time to accumulate all the information I can regarding mini ark from the internet and other sources.
I have BEGUN this collection with the site as it appears as of now... but as is the case with all databases it will grow as I find the time to add further information.
Dr. Abbondanza's patients are more than welcome to contribute data... I have stated many times that the site is there to be changed, added to and corrected.
I ignore those who attack it or me without substance... The way I see it people find it far too easy to comment when they have not themselves taken the time to build something (Like I say Scaistar, I appreciate your comments more now that I have learnt about the efforts you make).
Constructive comments are more than welcome and although I bitterly oppose some of your views, I believe that if people are talking then people are learning.
All I have ever intended is that we are informed.
Best Regards,

Ps.. You will have me run out of Spain for my comments on its wine!! :)
The volcanic soil must be great for your fathers wine... I look forward to trying it some day.

giovedì 5 gennaio 2006, 21:29
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Messaggio mini ark
Hello Scaistar,
This is just a quick message to inform your members that the very first American patient has now been operated with the Mini ARK procedure at the Lombardi Clinic.
His name is Mike and his experiences can be read in the testimonial section of my site:
He seems like a straight forward guy and has a very balanced approuch to his Keratoconus.
If you or your members are interested then I'll get my wife to translate his testimonial.
Maybe you already know of this in which case I'll leave you to make your own conclusions.
Rightly or wrongly it is my personal feeling that this case will throw a new light on Mini ark - the mere fact that Mike is American speaks volumes on the international stage. This is of course not fair and totally bias -- but it seems that in the present global enviroment this is how the world turns.

venerdì 17 febbraio 2006, 3:43
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
I have appreciated only this sentence from the whole document.

I am an adult and I make my decisions and take the benefits and consequences.

And I wish that it will be always in this way, for each that decides to undergo to any type of operation.

The rest, are things already felt, no novelty. Does this testimony add something?
I have here so many testimonies, and messages of other forum that is equal. But they serve any one? I believe nothing!

I think that it needs to change the things. The words don't help me, and they don't help anybody.
We need facts, and if you continue so your site will become a container of "tales", and to this point, you must also add the history of lady that visiting Madonna has cleared keratoconus.

I am programming a visit to Siena University in next month (I have not yet decided day).
To this point I openly and publicly send you an invite to come together with me to Siena. You and any other your friend you can bring.
We can spend a day together, to make all visits and the possible examinations, and to ask to the doctors "of establishment" what have to say about your eyes and miniark.
I hope that you won't find stupid excuses of more important appointments (I am not an unemployed) .

“Live Together, Die Alone”

venerdì 17 febbraio 2006, 13:09
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Messaggio Mini Ark
It is such a shame... because now Mr. Scaistar you really have let me down (Also we are all adults here, It would be nice to call you by your real name sometime)
I truelly believed that you were a man that saw Keratoconus as a disease that is handled in ways that are personal to the sufferer. We each get to the conclusion within the enviroment we are presented with.
You arrogantly state that Mike's testimony is meaningless as it does not conform to your preset views--
Yes his story is not a novelty, but is this not in itself testimony to the stability of Mini ARK? Many ARK storys are the same. It is an operation, variation exists... it has never been stated as anything else.
You believe that the simple testimonys of Keratoconus sufferers that have found personal peace do not in your words - 'Help anybody'.
You go further to denegrate Mini Ark by saying that my site is nothing more than a container of 'tales'.
You are very true my friend... these are tales, they are the tales of people with families, with wives, husbands and children that are seeking a better life... you dismiss their attempts as storys without substance.
I cannot understand your approuch... If you want scientific fact then please read the scientific contents of your next meal, it may surprize you.
Also I am disturbed by your arrogance at setting me a task that I cannot complete.
My 'stupid' excuse is that I, unlike yourself, are unemployed-- that my keratoconus has put me in a position of financial difficulty.
You know I live in Spain many miles from Italy and that it is a hardship for me to travel. I was supposed to have a checkup at the Lombardi Clinic in January but have had to postpone it due to finance. (If you think I enjoy speaking about how poor I have become you are very wrong)
The fact that you 'Appreciated' only one sentance within Mike's entire testimony is evidence of how truelly shallow your appreciation for your members is.
Is it true that you found NOTHING else about his statement that interested you? You found no interest in how he stated that ALL approuches should be sought, no interest in his offer to invite Prof. Lombardi to a globally seen forum where doctors from all sectors could review Mini Ark? No interest in the mere fact that he was happy?
I truelly do not see your standpoint--- Do you think I am not being truthfull about my sight, Is Norbert also lying? Is Mike? etc etc
My question is this-- Why the negativity? Why are you not supporting those of us that have found an answer? What are you afraid of?
You wrote:
'The words don't help me, and they don't help anybody'-- would you walk into a the cancer ward of a hospital and say these same words? Why are we so diffrent?
As I've always said-- Mini Ark is a choice, it is not forced on anyone-- You are bitter, you have made this personal-- All I wonder is -- why?
It does not have to be this way.

I truelly hope that you find what you are looking for at the University of Sienna, but if you dont? What then?

I wish you the best of luck,

sabato 18 febbraio 2006, 0:58
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
Hey Hari, you are becoming predictable. I'm expecting for this answer.
By now it is not possible to get nothing. Neither from the doctors neither from the patients that follow the miniark. Only words!
Every attempt to throw out the facts, degenerates always in the same history.

Do you want to see how I see it?
I see On side you and the others operated that speak of miracles.
From the other side I see the doctors that EVERYBODY TOGETHER speaks of the unpredictabilty and of the instability of the miniark.
My conscience brings me to believe that is very more probable than the seconds is right (the doctors are THEY not you ! You have not answer to technical questions that has give to you here).

But I want to put aside my conscience.
And then, what is more simpler than to put to comparison these different thoughts? It is not simple if finally we soothe there around a table and we speak of it?
It's too much comfort for Dr. Lombardi fight a struggle inside his study.
And' very easy for the Dr. to speak of technical concepts, without anybody that can oppose and to speak to you of the opposite things.

My invitation departed from the fact that I will be in Siena next month. If it won't be in March, it will be in June, and if it won't be in June it will be in September. And if it won't be in Siena it will be in some other hospital.
But to me it seems very strange that it's so difficult to get this simple comparison. i Have not asked you explanations on your life (and the fact that speaks to me of economic problems make me think that you are nervous rather), but do you want to see that with so many patients that had MiniARK, there is nobody to have economic conditions to "lose" one day for a complete visit of THEIR eyes?
Why YOU WANT demonstrate full effects of MiniARK without a serious approach?

“Live Together, Die Alone”

sabato 18 febbraio 2006, 1:50
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Messaggio Mini ARK
Hello Scaistar,
I have just woken up on this fine Saturday morning-- your words of support are like coffee and hot croissont to me.
Let us see if we can see where your anger stems from:
You are frustrated that you can not get valid data from either Mini ARK patients or Mini ARK doctors (quote: '...only words!') -

This is not a new arguement, when I first started researching Mini Ark it was via the Center for Keratoconus web forum (R.I.P).
Both Prof. Lombardi and Dr Abbondanza where regular contributers- We all know they have their differences but at least here we could all hear them speak of what Mini Ark actually was.
Patients similar to you did not want however to hear this, they wanted facts-- they wanted pages of published work, they wanted corneal maps, they wanted independant testimony from mini ark patients (Not just the ones found on Prof. Lombardi's website).
They too were frustrated that none of these things were readily available.
The result was that Prof. Lombardi was banned from the site, subsequent questions regarding mini ARK were not aswered by the doctors connected to CFK.
I was banned for speaking about ARK - I was accussed of being part of a Mini Ark conspiracy :) - At this time I had never met or personally spoken to Prof. Lombardi, the paranoia of the Keratoconus forum administration was infectious. The same thing happened on the next forum that I found myself on.
I make no excuses for Prof. Lombardi's approuch to his practice-- I have seen and been satisfied by all the things that have been said not to exist. I have seen his qualifications, spoken to his ex patients and spoken to him about just these frustrations you are having now. He said he has an open door policy to his work as long as those who wish to review his work are qualified to do so and that they truelly have the desire to learn -

I created the miniark database in an attempt to provide people such as yourself with at least a little of the information you crave. As I have always said it is only the beginning of a growing collection of information. Much of it is indeed old (Prof. Lombardi restricted his attempts of presenting his work at congress some years ago, we say in english 'you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink').
You have met my site with bitterness, I have added the doctors letters you spoke of-- adjusted some of the text that I wrote to reflect a more balanced approuch, I have begun to post patient photographs (by the way it would be nice if you had asked the patient before cutting and posting her pic on your site)-- these are all minor things. Things that I do to help myself as much as anyone else- this is my album of Mini Ark that I hope others may find useful. It is nothing else.

You said: 'I see On side you and the others operated that speak of miracles'.

Now I want you to answer this next question truthfully-- Where have I ever said that Mini Ark is a miracle? I have gone to great trouble to say that it is an operation, one with inherint variation, one that takes time to reach its full potential. You have made this statement I want you to post here your proof.

You say that the doctors you have spoken to are right as they speak of the unpredictabilty and instability of the miniark...

What are they basing these statements on? Have they researched Mini ARK? Or is this merely uninformed opinion?
Recently one of those 'Friends' of mine that you speak of went through a difficult time with his Mini Ark.
He went to leading eye specialist in his country who told him that his cornea was a 'disaster!!!' - Prof. Lombardi urged him to allow the healing process to work and now at his last checkup his sight has made excelent improvement. I do not know what the future holds for him but I expect and wish him continued improvement.
My point is that you seem to put your faith in medicine above the words of your fellow KCer's - Doctors do deserve respect but it must be earned. To me nothing is more pure than speaking directly to someone who has actually stepped forward and had the operation. We thus hear everything, the good, the worries, the everyday workings of the treatment -- we are in a position to encourage and support.
A doctors viewpoint is more abstract, he may base his opinion on medical reports that do not speak directly to the problem.
(Please publish here the reports that your doctors refer to when denigrating Mini ARK (Note here that I said Mini ARK not RK or any other of its variations) I want to see exactly what data you yourself are using as a basis to your contentions. Remember your own words - 'unpredictabilty and instability'. How did you reach this conclusion?

You say that I have not answered your medical questions--
I am not a doctor, my answers would be mere opinion and in many instances I truelly do not know the answer. (If I was to have a coronary transplant would you ask me to lecture on the inner workings of the heart?).
I think it is as pointless for an amatuer such as myself to answer these technical questions as it is for an architect such as you to ask them.

What do you think is happening here? Why is that no one wants to take a trip with you to Sienna? Do you think we are scared of what we might find? Maybe I am making eye charts with extra large letters for Prof. Lombardi to trick his patients with!:roll: You surely cannot be so arrogant as to believe we are all robots controlled from Prof Lombardi's office? Why would this be so? What would we have to gain? Maybe the answer is more simple? Maybe you just do not inspire trust--
I personally would love to spend a day in Sienna -- but your approuch worrys me.
It is impossible for me to make the trip to Italy before I am able. But when I do I would gladly visit whichever hospital you choose.

Yes Mr. Scaistar this reply is just more predictable words-- but I am at a loss to understand exactly what it is you want from me.
I am hiding from nothing, of all the mini ark patients I am purhaps one of the ones that is attempting to give you what you want - Data.
Attempting - in my own predictable pointless way.
You will see what you want to see...


sabato 18 febbraio 2006, 12:07
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
Prof. Lombardi was banned from the site, subsequent questions regarding mini ARK

Dr. Lombardi must to be also banned from this site for the behavior that has assumed (please, if you hear it, ask it to find courage to explain us at least where has taken the title PROF, where he has taken the percentage of recidivist keratocono in the 45% of the transplant and if want to explain us the worsening of Simone after his incisions it is due?)
I don't have banned for a one motive. To avoid that it told lies to his disciples, that is "had unjustly excluded him from the FORUM because he spoke of annoying matters to the establishment."
There is no establishment here. I am a free spirit and I can still afford to choose.

Where have I ever said that Mini Ark is a miracle?

I directly reported not to you but to the various felt histories. And however even if the term miracle is not used (not always)... the sense is the same.

What are they basing these statements on? Have they researched Mini ARK? Or is this merely uninformed opinion?

Do you have short memory, or has been bad translation of mine?
I repeat to you (they are no voices! the emails that speak of shout I have to about ten of it! I publish alone the names of whom dares compromise, not of people that "they feel to say"..

Non pubblico le TANTE email perchè sono tutte uguali e il parere è lo stesso. Tuttavia di qualcuna ho l'autorizzazione, e soprattutto non si parla "per sentito dire" o per "voci" ma di FATTI VERI!

(Prof. Umberto Merlin): "..non eseguo più da molti anni le cheratotomie radiali nel cheratocono perchè causano un ulteriore indebolimento ad una cornea già debole...".

(Prof. Severino Fruscella Presidente Sitrac): "...Si tratta di tecniche personali che non hanno alcun supporto scientifico. I suddetti dottori praticano una tecnica che non solo da’ dei risultati imprevedibili ma, cosa ben più grave, può favorire l’evoluzione del cheratocono in quanto i tagli praticati sulla cornea indeboliscono la trama strutturale della cornea già di
per sè alterata dalla malattia. Purtroppo ho visitato diversi pazienti sottoposti a MiniARK che presentavano, dopo essere stati operati, un peggioramento del quadro clinico e una maggiore difficoltà a correggere il difetto di vista con le lenti a contatto...".

(Prof. Cesare Bisantis): "...riguardo la miniRK tecnica che non pratico pur essendo stato negli anni scorsi un sostenitore di questa metodica per la correzione della miopia, non la pratico anche perchè è proprio negli astigmatismi che l'affidabilità e la prevedibilità si riducono di parecchio e non solo, ma che dopo 5 - 6 anni, poichè i processi di consolidamento cicatriziale e livello della cornea, continuano anche dopo periodi così lunghi, possono insorgere astigmatismi di segno opposto a quello corretto. Presumo che nel caso di astigmatismi irregolari come il cheratocono questo comportamento possa e debba essere enfatizzato...".

To me nothing is more pure than speaking directly to someone who has actually stepped forward and had the operation

Also for me is the same. And it is really for this that I have not considered MiniARK. Because you have spoken only with whom tells your happy tales...
Instead I have also felt other histories...
But don't worry you. The time will also come for this.
And however... I repeat for the hundredth time that To Me The Histories don't Interest. You will be happy with your tales. ME NOT!!!! Because for me the tales also include this: and search for MARIANNA (please, ask to your wife to make the sacrifice of translate it).
Note that the Madonna of Carbonara of Nola (Naples) is located to 20 minutes from my house.
I must believe in Marianna. or to HARI? (better Marianna... it is less expensive :twisted: )

And please... made to translate this other. ... 8005.shtml
Not One, but A lot of People have seen the statue stir.
Do you believe in those that they have seen???
how i can believe to YOUR EYES?
I think the fastest way (and MORE SIMPLE WAY) it's to put you place side by side I, and to try to read a same poster from far..
and remember...
after surely and confirmed that REFRACTIVE GAIN it's good.. we'll speak about risks..

as to believe we are all robots controlled from Prof Lombardi's office?

No. but I believe that there are various reasons to the fact that who is not happy doesn't write on the FORUM or in your site. I remind you that Simone has been the only one to Want to Write, not the only don't satisfy that I know.

But when I do I would gladly visit whichever hospital you choose.

I don't have hurry and I will wait with anxiety the day when it will be possible. (in the meantime I see if I succeed in convincing someone nearer).

I am at a loss to understand exactly what it is you want from me.

I don't want anything from you.
But if you come here to convince me of something, you must do seriously.

And besides. 2 beautiful differences among us.
You have created a site to spread and defend the MiniARK.
I have created a site for the patients with cheratocono. There are a lot of differences (and not to offend you if I tell that have more responsibilities towards my subscriber).

I don't have any interest to defend the miniark, as also even to demolish it.
For me we could make avoid than speak of it. But if we want to speak of it (since there are some affiliate that however consider the technique), let's do then it in serious and concrete way, because..
NEVER NEVER NEVER... i want read message of patients that write "i had it because i've read it on http://www.associa...

“Live Together, Die Alone”

sabato 18 febbraio 2006, 16:30
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Messaggio mini ark
ciao signor scaistar,
it is true that prof. Lombardi was not only banned from the internet forums because he solely spoke about mini ark. It was also because of his directness, he spoke of his beliefs and he did not tollerate stupidity. This in my culture is not acceptable from a doctor. In my culture doctors generally tell you what you want to hear. They generally give you the medicine that you require. In prof. Lombardi's case he tells it as it is. You can believe his point of view or you can dismiss it, this is the beauty of democracy.
You mention again the fact that prof. Lombardi uses the title of professor, again I say to you he can call himself Angelina Jolie if he wants to, so long as he gives me back my sight. This is a political point, it is one as a patient that I give very little thought to. As I said in the past, the only credibility that this line of argument has is that perhaps patients new to mini ark may think that using the title of professor gives him more stature than he deserves. This point is easily resolved upon meeting the man, you will either like him or you won't.
The 45% recurrent keratoconus after graft is something that you will have to examine for yourself. I personally do not know the percentage. If prof. Lombardi states this then you must ask him.
You speak again of Simone. I don't know who Simone is. I assume that he is a patient of prof. Lombardi that he's far from happy with the outcome of his surgery. I do not know what his situation is. But I would hope that he would publish them so that we could all understand where his problems lie and perhaps we can help him towards a solution.
You are avoiding your own words by saying that I did not say that mini ark was a miracle cure. These are exactly your words. You implied nothing. You should stand by them.
The examples that you posted are replied to as this:
prof. Merlin - it is to be confirmed but as I understand it this man operated with mini ark without appropriate training. He may be an excellent surgeon but he has never once stepped into the surgery of prof. Lombardi to learn the exact method of this operation. He used his own skill and perceived knowledge to operate on his patients. The results were negative and as such he finds it necessary to denigrate mini ark as a whole.
Prof. Fruscella - this doctor speaks of mini ark patients that have had very bad experiences. I ask myself why I have not heard of this on the many web forums that are available. It is true that there are some that are not happy with their results. We live in a real world and there will always be variation when it comes to medical treatment. He says that there's no scientific basis to this treatment but we have international medical opinion that clearly states that controlled corneal incisions can indeed aid myopia. The issue here is skill. And the skill to perform these operations is rare.
Prof. Bisantis - states that after 5-6 years mini ark incisions can cause astigmatism. Again I ask you what data is he using to state this?
Again, you wrongly state that I only speak of positive results. You know this is not true. Why do you keep saying it?
I've had fellow mini ark patients contact me saying that they were very unhappy with their results. The vast majority of these have found that it has only been time that was needed for them to achieve acceptable results. Another patient was still not happy and went on to have yet another alternative treatment. I grow tired of you continually painting me as someone who only potrays the sunny side of mini ark. Everything has two sides.
You say that you are not interested in my "tales". I find this very sad because they are not my tales, they are the stories of simple keratoconus sufferers. They do not pretend to be anything else.
Here you speak of bleeding statues and holy Madonnas, this is not the first time you have made this analogy. I have to ask myself what is this man talking about? Why are you being so dramatic?
I respect your culture and your local saint but why do you so easily use her to make your diluted point? I ask nobody to have faith in me, I ask nobody to follow me, I'm not building a church nor a cult.
I'm just a guy from New Zealand who was unfortunate enough to get keratoconus but was fortunate enough to find a way out of it. This is the only reason that I have made my website. I expected nobody to visit it. I tell you this truthfully from my heart. I never consulted prof. Lombardi whilst constructing it but since it's been online the response has been amazing. I've had contacts with people from many parts of the world, in fact many are from this forum. People want to learn, what is contained within my site may be worthless, it may be propaganda to convince people of something they do not want to have. Of course I know this is not the case but I also have great faith in the ability of people to discern what is valid and what is not.
Now let us speak of the "beautiful differences" - you have again elevated yourself above me. This does not worry me. I have a simple website and you have a national associated organisation, there is no comparison.
You say that I have created my site to spread and defend mini ark, this is not entirely true. The intention of my site was solely to offer an alternative to the treatments that we are routinely offered. To educate people to other possibilities. I defend mini ark against uneducated attacks but I do so from a position that is medically uneducated. I do so from the sole position of having had mini ark and being able to see better now than the rest of my family.
The final point we totally agree on. I would not want to hear that anyone had decided to have mini ark solely by reading my website. My hope would be that they would take whatever information they could and then investigate further for themselves. That they would contact their own doctors and debate the issues.
If you want my humble advice, which I'm sure you don't, then I'd say that you should focus on the positive side of mini ark, you should use your website to support those who have chosen this path. At the same time, if certain negative aspects arise you should work with these same patients to investigate and resolve these problems. It's not good enough to not stand by these people. We are all from the same keratoconus community. Our choices may be different but our goal is always the same.

domenica 19 febbraio 2006, 0:58
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Messaggio Buona Pasqua
Buona Pasqua (Happy Easter) to you and all your members,
Things have been quite in the Mini ARK boxing ring for a while (Purhaps this is a good thing?:) )
Anyway, our fellow Keratoconus sufferer Mike... for those that dont know Mike is an American KCer that has recently undergone the mini ark procedure... Has just reported his latest (yes anecdotal) experience post operation.
He has reported 20/20 vision in both eyes after consultation with his American eye specialist.
I'm sorry Scaistar if I am repeating myself to your members as I know you are a member of the same American forum as I and must have already read of Mikes progress and reported it to your members.
His testimony and corneal maps + photographs can be seen on my site:

Which reminds me... If I were you I'd register
before someone else does. There are a lot of people who just wait for those sorts of opportunities to cause trouble.

I'm sorry once again that my wife is not available to translate my words. But plans are a foot so that this need not be a problem in the future.
How was your bus trip to Siena University? Wouldn't it be great if we could get them and the American specialists and the British corneal experts that have all seen but have as yet not commented on Mini ARK to put their names forward and make a statement? It is an exciting time at the moment isn't it? We are now seeing a true interest in Mini Ark where as before it was merely dismissed.
Actually my last statement was not entirely true as these U.S and U.K doctors have commented privately... and between you and me I like what I'm hearing.
This can only be good for the Keratoconus community as a whole. Its not about pushing people into having Mini ARK... its about having our doctors care enough to dig as deep as we have. To strive to find the answer to our disease with as much passion as we do.
Please tell me about Simone? How is he? You should encourage him and any others you find that are not happy to contribute to my site.
I want to have all sides of the story. I want the patients and the doctors to be able to put their stories across so that we can all be informed.


venerdì 14 aprile 2006, 1:01
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
Happy Easter you too Hari,
it's a little break with you..because i'm playing in other ring.... 8) :lol: :twisted:

I'm happy for Mike. I hope to see same result after 10 years.

About Siena, i was ver busy in March because have to close two works.
After Prof. Caporossi was at San Francisco symposyum, and after is holyday... so i have appointment in next 2 week.

I'm busy in other tasks. Do you see in homepage? Do you know Vincenzo Salemme ? :-) :P :P

About MiniARK, i hope that Doctors have same interest about you're talking.
I'll make all possible for obtain more results, analysys,.. for KC communities.

About Simone, he is not much present on the forum, but yesterday he wroted this message and say that eye condition have RETURNED TO PREVIOUS CONDITION before Miniark.

There are some Simon's messages on other forum, writed after MiniARK operation, where he wrote lovely words about Dr. Lombardi, so... this MUST to reflect all us.
I've invited Simone to come at Siena with me... but he say "now no".
I've invited another patient from Rome that will have GRAFT AT JUNE, after 27 MINIARK cuts.
I have proposed to bring MY CAR, drive until ROME, go to Siena, meet with BIG doctor, after bring back to home and after I return to Naples. He say "i speak with my mothers..." and now ...i can't contact it (probably he have blocked me in MSN).

I don't know what can do anymore. i'm creating ONLY ENEMIES with miniark, without reason.
.. so.. i think... "why this???". "what is my gain in this story?".

I hope to change something after Siena trip.

but now.... BUONA PASQUA A TE E ALLA TUA FAMIGLIA... :wink: :wink: :wink:

“Live Together, Die Alone”

venerdì 14 aprile 2006, 12:36
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Iscritto il: sabato 25 giugno 2005, 18:21
Messaggi: 32
Messaggio miniark database
I have to say that I did not know who Vincenzo Salemme was. But my wife has now corrected my ignorance and I see that he has done some fine work in Italian cinema.
For those English readers here is the link:

Scaistar your frustration at not being able to connect with patients regarding Mini ARK may stem from the approuch you have taken thus far.
I have seen this same thing playing out on other forums in the past and the result is always the same.
Divisions are made and sides are taken. Discussion threads talk in circles and very little is gained.
We do not need to concentrate on proving Mini ARK to be false... and to hold up those few whom have had negative results as proof.
We can in fact do the opposite and follow those whom have had positive results and work to support and encourage them. Of course we also need the balance that comes from discussing the negative, but why does it take presidence?
As in any surgery there will always be variation... but in this case does the degree of negative variation deserve to condeem the procedure before it has a chance to prove itself?
Do you drive to Siena with the intention to hopefully give credibilty to ARK or do you do so in the hope that science will again condem it?
I for one, as an ex-Keratoconus sufferer, would hope that most people would strive for the first choice.
And that is how we all 'Gain' from this story. Whatever the outcome... if we respect each others choice and push ourselves to learn more then at the end of the day we can all find a way out from underneath this disease.


venerdì 14 aprile 2006, 20:29
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